22 February 2011


I've actually had both a computer and internet access for a while now but was feeling intimidated about blogging again after being away for so long. It's even more ridiculous than that though, I kept running across fabulous things and thinking I can't wait to post this on the blog, then I didn't. Okay then, enough wallowing.

I inherited quite a few old postcards but I still get weak a few times a year and comb through what's in the stalls at the flea markets looking for ones with ruins or any sort of Gothic bits. Then I look for an(other) old suitcase to carry them in.

This piece is one of a series that I'm working on that was inspired by some of my favourite postcards. So far I'm just doing small pieces, which is good because I haven't re-organised the studio in a while and space is getting limited.

So, back to work. Wouldn't want to write too much on my first day back or anything.


Inkie said...


but don't you ever get tempted to write on them?

kat said...

that is gorgeous!

bhán said...

@inkish: I am so much not a writer that there is very little that does tempts me to write on it ;-) besides they are usually covered with tiny messages, sometimes front and back.

@kat: thanks! I was a bit unsure about it when I began, it's not as spare as the two that precede it in the series.

LTPR said...

i have an odd relationship with blogging, too. sometimes i go gangbusters and post all my work and process, and then it starts to feel all too... i don't know, self indulgent maybe. or too exposed. anyway, i get self-conscious about it and so i stop for awhile. sometimes a long while. but i can definitely say it's good to see you back and writing/posting about your process and work :)

bhán said...

Thank you!
I love reading other people's blogs and want to contribute to the community but I tend to feel self-conscious and wonder whether I can post something worth the time to read it.
Some bloggers have such a fantastic balance of images and text, reveal enough to be intriguing without being TMI, and find such interesting things to share.
Thanks for linking to your tea blog, a friend of mine from Japan was a tea-taster. It seems such a sensitive and subtle profession.